Frequently Asked Questions

General ERM - Review & Comment

How do I review an application?
ERM (Ethics Review Manager) is used for Ethics Committee Members, to review and comment on Human and Animal application submissions and supporting documentation at the University of Tasmania. 1) In your 'work area' click on the 'meetings' tile. 2) Click on the meeting you wish to review submissions for 3) Click on the 'reviews' tab to access all submissions that require review 4) Click on the 'review reference' to view a submission 5) Click on 'view form' to see all sections of the application 6) Click into the blue sections of the application to look at the answers on the form 7) Use the 'previous' and 'next' arrows to move forward and back throughout the application pages 8) Use the 'navigate' action to jump around different sections of the form
What is a panel comment?
1. Committee Members are asked to make ‘panel comments’ against any questions in the application prior to the meeting. 2. Comments are required to be written in a way that could be sent directly to the applicant. 3. Comments have a setting ‘Visible to Applicant’ which allows you to choose whether the comment is ‘Hidden from applicant’ or ‘To be made visible to the applicant’. If your comment is for the applicant, select ‘Visible to Applicant’; otherwise if it is a general comment for further Committee discussion, don’t select ‘Visible to Applicant’. Comments won’t be visible to the research team until the Executive Officer enables visibility after the meeting. 4) Click 'new comment' to make a panel comment when you are in 'view form' 5) Click on the question you wish to make a comment about 6) Click save. Comments will be available to other committee members. Comments will not automatically be sent to the applicant. The Executive Officer is the only person capable of sending out comments and all comments are anonymous
What is a general comment?
General comments are for the use of the Executive Officer, Committee Chairs and Members of the Executive Committee. These are used to correspond on out of session reviews. These are never available to the applicant.
How do I download an application to review offline?
1) Click 'view form' 2) Click the 'print' action available 3) Select if you would like to print with panel comments, overall form comments and with form documents 4) Click 'print' 5) The form will download as a PDF
Are my comments anonymous?
Committee member comments are anonymous to applicants. Other committee members can see who has made comments.


How do I Access Eduroam (University of Tasmania Wi-Fi)
1. Go to your Wi-Fi settings on your device i.e. laptop 2. Select ‘Eduroam’ secured network. 3. Enter your University of Tasmania email address and your password. NB. This may differ from your ERM log in details. i.e.